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 1. Kathy J. Bialk, Haresh Gopal  Student Employment Management System (SEMS)  EDUCAUSE 2005 Annual Conference 
 2. John Campbell, Lukas Leftwich & Stephen Wanger  Student Persistence: Using the CMS as an Early Warning and Intervention System  EDUCAUSE 2006 Annual Conference 
 3. Pastor Mike Aus  Removing the Sin Management System  Podcst from Living Word Lutheran Church(ELCA) 
 4. Dirk Baecker  Management als Störung im System  Abwehr. Modelle - Strategien - Medien 
 5. Open Audio  Jason Werner on System Management  Open Audio 
 6. Simon Jentzsch, Jacqueline Paczko  Learning Management System mit zielgruppenspezifischen Lernoberflächen  Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2006 
 7. Simon Jentzsch, Jacqueline Paczko  Learning Management System mit zielgruppenspezifischen Lernoberflächen  Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2006 
 8. Jeff Hecht, GIS Technology Inc. (GTI)  GIS and Document Management System Integration: An Overview of DMS  GIS & DMS Integration Series from ESRI 
 9. Jeff Hecht, GIS Technology Inc. (GTI)  GIS and Document Management System Integration: PlaceLynx  GIS & DMS Integration Series from ESRI 
 10. Simon Jentzsch, Jacqueline Paczko  Learning Management System mit zielgruppenspezifischen Lernoberflächen  Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2006 
 11. Chris McEniry  Moobi: A Thin Server Management System Using BitTorrent  21st Large Installation System Administration Conference Refereed Papers 
 12. Steve Chandler  The Ultimate Time Management System sample clip   
 13. Steve Chandler  The Ultimate Time Management System sample clip   
 14. Chris McEniry  Moobi: A Thin Server Management System Using BitTorrent  21st Large Installation System Administration Conference Refereed Papers 
 15. Jeff Hecht, GIS Technology Inc. (GTI)  GIS and Document Management System Integration: Pipeline Company Scenario  GIS & DMS Integration Series from ESRI 
 16. Jeff Hecht, GIS Technology Inc. (GTI)  GIS and Document Management System Integration: Local Government Scenario  GIS & DMS Integration Series from ESRI 
 17. Presenters: Marshall Winget, Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft Corporation, John Novak, Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Webcast: Desktop Management with System Center Solutions for the IT Manager   
 18. Adam Finkelstein, Laura Winer  The Matrix Transformed: Achieving Better Focus and Insight in Learning Management System Selection  EDUCAUSE 2005 Annual Conference 
 19. Blain Barton  TechNet Webcast Audio: System Center Operations Manager 2007 Installation and Management Pack Migration   
 20. Tim DeSalvo and Kristin Platt, City of Newport News, Department of Public Works  2008 Special Achievement in GIS Award – Newport News Public Works Integrates Asset Management System with Geodatabase  ESRI Speaker Series 
 21. Business Intelligence Network  The Benefits of Enterprise System Consolidation for Business Performance Management and Business Intelligence  Audio Article 
 22. Jeff Hecht, GIS Technology Inc. (GTI)  GIS and Document Management System Integration: Integration Strategies  GIS & DMS Integration Series from ESRI 
 23. Mercan Dede  Nar-i Sems  Secret Tribe NAR  
 24. Pastor Mark Bates  When God Sems Absent   
 25. Christopher Ash  Session 1 SEMS 14.5.07  S E M S 
 26. Wesley A. Fryer  Podcast268: Conversations with Scott Swanson and April Hope about the first OLPC High School Student Chapter, 1 to 1 Laptop Immersion with Tablet PCs, and EduBloggerCon 2008 Student Reflections  Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts 
 27. Total Picture Radio with Peter Clayton  Margaret Morford Management Courage - Part 2 - There is No Magic Management Formula  Total Picture Radio with Peter Clayton 
 28. Prime Point Foundation  Corporate Management Strategies - Part VI - Crisis Management  Pod Universal - Podcast on subjects of interest 
 29. E. M. Clinton, Jr.  10 Untechnological Employment  Librivox Short Sci-fi Story Collection, vol. 002 
 30. Coast to Coast  International Employment Law  (c) www.LegalTalkNetwork.com 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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